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Birdeye is a customer experience platform that integrates seamlessly with Rent Manager to help reinforce your online presence through reviews, stay in contact with tenants through text messaging interactions, and optimize your business with survey and insights tools.

Connect with Birdeye

Be found. Be chosen. Be the best.

Reports Prospects icon

Secure new tenant reviews for your business on Google, Facebook and 150+ third-party sites.

Screenings icon

Effortlessly collect feedback and track customer satisfaction, then use that data to deliver superior customer experiences.

Compose Email icon

View and respond to messages from tenants from a single place.

Chat Pending icon
Live Chat

Chat in real-time with prospects and tenants while they’re on your website.

Contacts Tab icon

Assign messages within a team – or from one team to another – to get the best answer for the customer, easier and faster.

Chat-closed-conversations icon

Turn customer reviews into support tickets so negative reviews never go unanswered.

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For more information about Birdeye, click the link below.

Missoula logo
Heather Schwenk
Missoula Property Management LLC
Rent Manager Testimonial Left Quotation Mark
"We wanted to ensure surveys were generated in "real-time" and not through a manual process, so we enlisted the help of BirdEye and their integration with Rent Manager. The process has been easy, streamlined and we are finally seeing the results we needed to improve our online reputation, without a manual process."
Rent Manager Testimonial Right Quotation Mark