
The PointCentral platform monitors and controls single-family and multifamily rental properties throughout North America via a secure and reliable cellular network. With one of the largest smart-property-technology deployments in the world, PointCentral helps property managers and owners achieve operational efficiencies, improve asset protection, and enhance resident amenities.

Connect with PointCentral

PointCentral's solutions are focused on residential property managers and their needs, specific to making their jobs and lives easier.

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Lowers Maintenance Costs

Prevent costly maintenance projects through increased property awareness and real-time alerts.

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Attracts and Pleases Residents

Provide residents with ready-to-go smart home technology, enabling them to control their homes with a single app.

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Protects Owner Assets

Receive real-time alerts for HVAC and keyless locks to provide increased safety and property awareness.

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 For more information about PointCentral, click the link below.