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Property Meld

Most property managers would agree that managing maintenance is their biggest pain point. Property Meld removes the operational headache by streamlining the maintenance process — improving efficiency and providing opportunities for financial growth. Improve the maintenance experience while decreasing your workload, phone calls, and time-consuming scheduling and follow-ups. Never worry about maintenance again.

Connect with Property Meld

Coordinating Maintenance Shouldn’t Be Hard

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Eliminating The “Fog Of War”

Instead of dispatching work and hoping the job is done, Property Meld will automate the entire maintenance process from scheduling work orders, to troubleshooting, and vendor follow up. Lowering your average speed of repair and improving your resident satisfaction.

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Best-In-Class Communication Tools

Calls and emails are the death of your time clock. Vendors and residents can communicate directly within the software, removing the middleman and keeping all communication in one central location.

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Schedule Faster With Property Meld

Scheduling tools take the back-and-forth phone calls out of play with an automatic scheduling feature. Providing more flexibility for your residents and keeping your maintenance team on track.

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For more information about Property Meld, click the link below.

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Josh Harrison
Excalibur Homes
Rent Manager Testimonial Left Quotation Mark
Our approach to maintenance is already night and day better because it's based on reality instead of an assumption.
Rent Manager Testimonial Right Quotation Mark