When attracting new tenants to your property, getting them to fill out an application can be half the battle. They found your property’s website and are interested in moving in (awesome!). But, if you don’t have a way to capture their information online, you might be losing out. In this day and age, renters want the ability to act now. They want to fill out their application, sign it, pay the application fee, and submit it online at their leisure. And then, once you receive their application, you’ll want to screen the tenant(s) before approving them. There’s no question that rental applications can be a long and arduous process for both the tenants and you. However, now, you can take the headache out of the application process and take it entirely online with Apply Now.
What is Apply Now?
Rent Manager’s Apply Now feature is an electronic application service made available via the Tenant Web Access (TWA) portal. It automates the process of receiving applications, collecting fees, and screening prospective tenants. Apply Now puts your leasing agent in front of the prospect wherever they are, any time of the day.
Benefits of Using Apply Now
Available to Rent Manager Online (RMO) customers as a part of the Web Portal Suite, Apply Now greatly reduces the time it takes to convert viable prospects into rent-paying tenants. This feature lets you create a completely customizable online application, and allows prospects to submit the form and pay application fees electronically. As soon as an application is submitted on TWA, a prospect account is automatically generated in Rent Manager, and all information submitted on the form is recorded in real-time.
How to Use It
To fully utilize all the features made available with Apply Now, we offer integrated services through our partners PayLease and AmRent. PayLease facilitates online tenant billing and is the exclusive payment provider for Rent Manager 12. By establishing an account with PayLease, you can set up your Apply Now form to collect an application fee from the prospect online. These fees are processed in real-time and the transactions are automatically downloaded into your Rent Manager database for your records.
AmRent provides exclusive tenant screening services for Rent Manager 12. With AmRent’s instantaneous screening results, you can immediately take the next step with prospective tenants. By establishing an account with AmRent, you can set up Apply Now to automatically perform a screening on anyone who submits an application. Then, the results are automatically saved to the prospect account in Rent Manager.
Apply Now is yet another great Rent Manager tool that makes the prospect-to-customer transition easier. New tenants can carry out the entire application process online, accelerating and improving the experience for everyone involved. To learn more about how you can turn prospects into tenants faster than ever, contact your sales representative at 800-669-0871 or sales@frontierrvresort.temp.hosting.lcs.com.