Wrapping Up 2020 Before We BinGO Into The New Year

December 28, 2020


Emma Hannon

Champagne bottle and gold streamers

As we wrap up this year, it’s tempting to think that the best part of 2020 is that it’s ending. But as we get ready to celebrate the new year, we look back on not only the challenges we faced but the innovative and creative solutions we adopted and accomplished together. In this post, we’re reflecting on some of our favorite Rent Manager highlights of the past 12 months.

Reaching Out Like Never Before

This year, like many businesses, our routines and communication styles completely shifted. The LCS team moved from our headquarters to remote work and saw a sharp increase in the number of Microsoft Teams messages we sent, along with an increase in the number of dogs and cats that joined our meetings. But this change didn’t slow down our output when it came to sharing industry resources. Together with some of our partners, we created 65 blogs full of property-management insights to streamline your processes and get even more productivity from Rent Manager.

Constantly Creating The Next Big Thing   

A lot of things changed this year, but our commitment to ensuring quality and innovation remained absolute. We published 10 editions of Rent Manager release notes that detailed numerous updates and additions made to the program this year. These improvements were driven by our focus on creating the most comprehensive all-in-one property management software available.

We Had Fun Along The Way

Although our annual Rent Manager User Conference didn’t take place in 2020, we still found ways to connect with our customers and integrated providers through 32 Weekly Webinars, 27 Tech Tuesdays, 7 episodes of our Beyond Rent podcast, and 22 virtual tradeshows and industry events. Despite all the disruptions this year brought, we were honored with 15 different corporate awards. For some year-end fun, we created this bingo card to track all the things this year held for your operation…

Whatever is on the horizon for 2021, the team at Rent Manager wishes you a peaceful and prosperous new year! We would love to see your completed bingo cards on social media. When you share them, please tag @RentManager in your posts!

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